It is easy to say that the BP oil spill will go down as one of the worst ecological disasters in the history of the United States. However, what exactly did BP do as an intial reaction and was it a good response? I have read many articles over the oil spill, and they all point to BP trying to contain the leak with a box. It was a four story box that was supposed to siphon up to about 85 percent of the leak. It also had never been tried at these depths, and unfortunately it failed. It collected ice crystals and therefore had to be cast aside. they have plans to send down another smaller containment box, but may people feel that this will also not work. Another option that they are looking into is cutting the pipe and placing a larger pipe over it that will funnel the oil directly to the surface where it can be disposed. This is a very dangerous option because there are a lot of things that could go wrong wiht it, and because of this, many people feel that it should be tried this early. With all of these options being weighed, it bets people to ask if BP did the best that they could. Are they seeking all alternatives or only ones that benefit them? Hopefully they aren't making decisions based on what is best financially for the company, but rather they are making their decisions based on what is the quickest and most ecological way to get this leak cleaned up.
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